Coolroom and Ambient temperature - Long Term Storage Space available now!
Dear Valued Clients
Our depot offers long-term temperature-controlled storage solutions tailored to your specific needs.
If your company requires long-term temperature-controlled storage for your goods, ensuring their quality and integrity throughout, we invite you to get in touch with us today.
Our cool room is ready for your cargo. Allow us to customise a solution to meet your unique needs and help you succeed in your industry.
For more information contact your account manager today!
Thank you
Price & Speed
Valued Clients
Due to current volumes in our yard, the decision has been made to hold off accepting any more fumigation containers into 7 Coal Pier Road from Thursday 2nd June for 48 hours. We will continue to accept containers from Saturday 4th June between 6am-3pm.
If you have any containers scheduled to arrive in the next two days you have the option to store & deliver in from Saturday 4th June, or if you would prefer to make alternate arrangements please let know so we can update our system accordingly.
In conclusion to the above, we don’t like turning customers away so we held off as long as we could. Safety of staff, visitors, and contractors is our priority.
To assist with clearing the congestion in yard please organise collection of your cleared containers by booking a slot using the below link. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you
Price & Speed
Valued Clients
As some of you may be aware Price & Speed have been working closely with Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment (DAWE) in working towards quicker inspection turnaround times. After a meeting with the department and some industry partners we were updated on some new technology and changes within the 1.1 depots that we thought you may be interested in.
As you may already be aware the Biosecurity Portal launches in NSW on 26 April and will interface with the Scheduling and Workload Management System (SWMS). This will allow industry self-service for booking inspections, with a pipeline of further enhancements over coming months.
We have just had word that soon “we can soon apply to participate in a trial to perform Tailgate Inspections for quicker turnaround of containers" where the only concern is ‘rural’. *The private depots who they ask to trial the self-service tailgates is estimated to be introduced around Mid May.
DAWE have been working to develop technology pilots which are new inspection robots labelled (robot dog) and (remote controlled car) which have been piloted on container inspections, vehicle inspections plus flora and fauna inspections. Spot has a 90min battery life and can be equipped to detect gases. Both Spot and Hades-5Z include high definition camera detection for insects & oil, dirt, grime.
Also in progress is the development and trialing of new APPs which can identify pests by applying artificial intelligence, which has been programmed to determine certain species of fish and BMSB insects. This has great potential to expand and include bees, spiders, insects, seeds and other pests.
These technological changes free up officers enabling them to operate in other areas suffering.
You may also be aware there are trainees climbing through the ladders in the depots at the moment and as of May 16th all trainees will be ready to operate self-sufficiently supporting the current lack of officers. They are also looking to hire and train more recruits after May.
Thank you
Price & Speed
Fuel Levy Increase
Due to the current rising diesel fuel prices our fuel levy will increase to 17%. This increase will take effect immediately. We will monitor the pricing and adjust accordingly. We appreciate your understanding that these costs are beyond our control. For more information please contact or phone 02 9666 6565.
Thank you
Price & Speed
Container Detention Reminder
Due to the amount of containers we are expecting to arrive for unpack and fumigation throughout this BSMB season, we recommend you contact the respective shipping line(s) and request an extension on container detention as we will not be accepting detention charges during this period.
Thank you
Price & Speed
To Our Valued Clients,
Please be advised that Price and Speed will be operating over the public holiday 4th of October 2021, by appointment only across Baker St and Coal Pier Rd Depots.
We ask that any containers or freight being delivered / collected during this period be pre-arranged with us a minimum of 48 hours prior by emailing or Please note public holiday surcharge may apply.
Containers or freight not pre-arranged will not be actioned until Tuesday 5th October 2021
Depot 1 - Baker Street
Saturday – 6am to 3pm
Sunday – 6am to 3pm
Monday - By appointment only (Surcharge may apply)
Depot 2 - Coal Pier Road
Saturday – By appointment only (Surcharge will apply)
Sunday – By appointment only (Surcharge will apply)
Monday - By appointment only (Surcharge may apply)
Thank you
Price & Speed
We are proud to announce that our new BMSB Fumigation Facility at
7 Coal Pier Road Banksmeadow IS OPEN for the 2021-2022 BSMB Season
This facility replaces our 4 Bumborah Point Road Facility. This site will offer several advantages to the industry. One of the advantages over Bumborah Point Road is it's a Fully Bonded Depot and will provide the following services :
FCL Fumigation
FCL Secure Unpacks
FCL Dry Heat Treatment
To be an FCL s77G Licenced Bond Facility
Semi 's Preferred
B-Double Access (By Appointment Only)
Our new number is N3319
We have introduced a booking system for pickups only at our new fumigation depot - 7 Coal Pier Road, Banksmeadow:
Containers to be ready for collection once driver arrives in yard
Faster turnaround times in yard
Commencing on the 24th September 2021
Monday - Friday 6.00am to 6.00pm
Saturday 6.00am to 12.00pm Midday
Sunday by appointment ONLY contact to prearrange or phone Avalua on 0418 966 478
You can book online here - BOOK ONLINE
We are moving to our new BMSB Fumigation Facility at
7 Coal Pier Road Banksmeadow for the 2021-2022 BSMB Season
We are extremely excited to announce our New BMSB Fumigation Facility at 7 Coal Pier Road Banksmeadow, which will be available for the 2021-2022 BMSB season. This facility will commence operations starting on the 24th September and replace our 4 Bumborah Point Road Facility. This site will offer several advantages to the industry.
One of the advantages over Bumborah Point Road is that it will become a Fully Bonded Depot and will provide the following services :
FCL Fumigation
FCL Secure Unpacks
FCL Dry Heat Treatment
To be an FCL s77G Licenced Bond Facility
B-Double Access
Please ensure fumigation directions are taken out for N3203 until further notice.
Our new number from the 24/9/21 will be N3319.
Welcoming Our New Fleet Addition
Giving us an edge over the competition.
Features included:
Extended width between ramps enabling open top containers or flat racks to fit legally.
Deck height of 550mm from the ground allowing out of gauge movements.
Allows transport of open toppers and flat racks up to 4.6m high
Enables loads of up to 33 tonnes
We are constantly committed to doing things differently to benefit you and your clients to get the best results on their imports or exports.This is what sets us apart from the others.
“Who You Gonna Call?”
Price & Speed - (02) 9666 6565
To Our Valued Clients
Do you have cleaning delays with imported Mining Machinery, Bobcats, Mini Loaders, Skid Steer Loaders, Excavators, Cars,
Caravans, Trailers, Forklifts, Scissor lifts, Knuckle booms, Stick booms, Vertical man lifts, Telehandlers that require steam cleaning under biosecurity direction? We have the answer!
Price & Speed’s wash bay facilities in Baker St Banksmeadow are approved by Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and Sydney Water. We have the floor space & height to handle equipment ranging in all sizes, from small forklifts, cars to huge earth moving heavy machinery with easy access to each wash bay for a quick turnaround.
If you want a competitive quote, please contact
“Who You Gonna Call?”
Price & Speed - (02) 9666 6565
To Our Valued Clients
Now that BMSB 2020-21 has concluded, Price & Speed would like to extend our gratitude and thank you all for your ongoing support during another successful year of BMSB fumigations. We value every customer and take pride in providing excellent service in everything we do. Your constant support and valued feedback throughout the year has allowed us to continually make improvements and expand our services to meet demand.
As of Monday 28th June 2021, 4 Bumborah Pt Rd will be manned during the following times. Any pick up or drop off outside of these hours will be considered overtime and additional charges will apply.
Monday to Friday 6am to 3pm
Saturday 6am to Midday
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, we still managed to work together to build relationships and form new ones through effective teamwork and above all communication. We look forward to working with you all in the coming months and the 2021-22 BMSB season.
If you require information on the 2021-22 season and rates please feel free to contact our team either on 02 9666 6565 or on the following emails:
Quotes -
Operations -
Escalations -
Please remember to email all pre-alerts to as early as possible. In conclusion to the above, we will keep you updated before the 2021-22 BMSB season begins in September and advise of any changes the department might require.
Thank you from the Team at Price & Speed
To Our Valued Clients
Price and Speed will be open for business throughout the June long weekend period including Monday.
Depot 1 - Baker Street
Saturday – 6am to 3pm
Sunday – 6am to 3pm
Monday - By appointment only
(Call Josh on 02 9666 6565). Surcharge may apply
Depot 3 - Bumborah Point Road
Saturday – 6am to midday
Monday - By appointment only
(Call Josh on 02 9666 6565). Surcharge may apply
For more information contact our team on +61 2 9666 6565
Thank you from the Team at Price & Speed.
To Our Valued Clients
Container Chain Booking Fee Increase
Due to an increase in Container Chain booking fees, from the 7th June 2021,
Price & Speed Containers will be charging $90 plus GST per container for
all empty drop off and empty pickup for all Sydney Empty Parks.
We trust you understand this is not a Price & Speed Containers charge, but
a cost recovery fee which is out of our control.
For more information contact our team on +61 2 9666 6565
Thank you from the Team at Price & Speed.
To Our Valued Clients
As the 2020-21 BMSB Season draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. The success of Price & Speed is based on the relationships we have striven to build with our myriad of loyal clients.
Over this past year we have brought in new team members, added new equipment and facilities whilst welcoming new clients. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with and provide quality services to you.
This year has been filled with a multitude of challenges and victories. Every year is different, but this latest BMSB Season was unique, hampered by COVID-19 and the associated backlogs, congestion, terminal industrial action and shortage of space and equipment.
No matter what the economic climate has been, we have persevered together as a team and came out stronger. Often, we find our greatest successes in the most surprising places and challenging of circumstances. We are sure it has been the same for you.
Whilst FCL fumigation is a major part of our business, we wish to remind you that we also offer:
Metro & Rural Tailgate Inspections,
LCL Inspections,
Dry Heat Treatment,
FCL and LCL Transport & Logistics,
CCV,Seals Intact Inspections,
General Container Unpacks and Packs,
FCL container storage,
Flowers and Fresh produce Inspections,
Cool Room and Freezer facilities,
Out Of Gauge Crane facilities,
Biosecurity Steam Cleaning,
Wash Bay,
Weighbridge services
We look forward to servicing all your Biosecurity needs in the year ahead.
Warm Regards
Kevin Malouf
Warehouse Congestion
To reduce warehouse congestion and to ensure we can continue to provide a quick turnaround time for depot services, we request that no export cargo be dropped off without confirming a date with our export team first.
Any freight that remains onsite after 5 working days will incur storage charges per pallet per day until the freight has been packed. This storage will also apply to export freight that is here should the vessel receival date be delayed.
For more information please contact our exports team at:
Effective 3rd of May 2021 the following will apply:
Our fuel levy will increase from 10% to 12% to reflect the current diesel rates.
For more information please contact

Professional Assembly / Disassembly of Containerised Machinery
Key operations rely on machinery for their success. With these projects taking place all over the world, it’s crucial that your vital equipment is available and delivered on time.
Our team of in house mechanics can handle everything, helping you avoid lengthy dismantling times, quarantine risks and the need to employ multiple companies to perform these tasks.Price and Speed offer comprehensive and professional assembly / disassembly of your containerised machinery and cargo, with precision, care and attention to detail.
For more information please contact or call 02 9666 6565
DPW & VBS Increase
Effective 1st of May 2021 the following will apply:
Please note pricing listed is per container.DPW Infrastructure Fee: $150 + GST
Effective 19th of April 2021 the following will apply:
NEW VBS Peak period fee for DPW Empty park 1 & 2: $30 + GST (will be added to current VBS fee)
For more information please contact
This may be the oddest read this year but sometimes it is important to think about why you call a provider and in my opinion, price should not be the only determinant.
Invariably it is important that a freight forwarder or customs agent secures the best possible deal for his client and to compliment this a provider should be chosen that has the skills needed to handle cargo in the most competent way. We at Price & Speed have facilities on the ports with the appropriate staff to handle any situation whilst endeavouring to keeping you informed every step of the way.
Although it is splendid to grow your business but, I would guard against growing it that large that it is a race to the bottom with rates foregoing the personalised service which this competitive industry demands are a travesty. I hear many complaints of how hard it is to operate and hold their rates without a competitor coming in and undercutting them. Well let me tell you running a container depot is no different because we have the age old problem of running a competitive service with all the escalating costs required to run a large depot whilst keeping a skilled workforce needed to run it efficiently. Having said that we have striven to do the following:
believe that the most important thing I have at my depot is my personnel from middle management down to janitors. We have strived to get the best people in the industry with the knowledge of every facet of sea and air freight; ground handling; bond and fumigation; and oversize transport container truck configurations to handle all sorts of cargo from palletised to aircraft. This takes specialised skills to sling and unload cargo correctly whether it is a Lamborghini on an air freight pallet or a 25 tonne coil on a flat rack, they all need the correct handling equipment and personnel to do the job once and do it right. I believe we have that at Price & Speed. This is our greatest asset.
I believe P&S has set up its facility to meet every need. These include cool rooms, hardstand, quarantine and bonded licences, logistics services that can transport OOG loads, container hire and sales to assist with container site sheds and reefer cold stores or GP’s to cross dock cargo preventing demurrage charges.We also have wash bays, mechanical workshops to demobilise machines prior to exports and a forklift hire company with a wide range of forklifts from 7 tonne container friendly units through to 50 tonne tine forks for special projects. Yes, we are not just a container depot company.
We also own a Media company with several Out of Home digital billboards throughout Sydney Metro which displays ads to over two million sets of eyes a week. These billboards can be used by freight forwarders or customs agents for expansive exposure.
This diversity gives you the client a one-stop-shop which in turn gives your clients the importer or exporter a service level that you will receive from none other. Furthermore, you can go home knowing that P&S is open 24 hours, seven days a week and if you need to call us at midnight, we will pick up the phone. No other depot can offer this range of services.
Experience is not something you can buy it is earned through participation and understanding. I have been in the freight forwarding space since I left school in in 1978. My first job was with Grace Air International a small customs agency where I was a house clerk running into town clearing Bills of Lading with shipping companies and lodging entries the old way. I was a regular at Customs House opposite the Pan Am building at Qantas Drive lodging air freight. My boss was Paul Pomroy whom many of you know from Asean cargo. I learnt a great deal from Paul over the years when we took over the Wako Express Agency which brought me into freight forwarding. So, I have first-hand knowledge on what freight forwarders and customs agents expect from a depot as I have been there, and I have instilled this onto my crew at P&S.
As you may know we are very active in fresh produce and fresh flowers. There is no greater sense of urgency than in this business and if you can get it right it brings a whole new dimension on what you can achieve in under 3 hours whether it is an import or export. We have worked hard to achieve this and the multitude of procedures that need to be done correctly first time round has flowed on to all the other procedures in both air freight, sea freight and ground handling. Every shipment gets the same level of care. I try to inspire this in my staff and I firmly believe they are up to the task.
If you think for one minute you can run a business without making them, you are sadly mistaken. Miscommunication in an industry that relies on communication can occur. When it does happen the mark of a good business is to fix it and come up with a procedure to ensure it does not recur. We are not perfect but when we make a mistake we come back with answers and solutions.
In closing you are probably wondering why I have taken this time to talk to you about our company. At sixty I have taken the time to look at what the Price & Speed group has achieved. The group could not have done this without key personnel, and I am very proud of what I see today. This does not happen overnight. This has taken us in excess of forty years to build this company and to get it right and we are still learning every day with the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment assisting us.
Thus, the next time you need a quote or deciding which ground handler to use, take into account that there is one company that is fiercely proud of being wholly Australian owned and which takes pride in all it does. We will treat you as family and will endeavour to provide you with an exceptional service.
Thank you for your time in reading this,
Kevin Malouf
Managing Director
On your next quote who are you going to call?
Anthony Wasson
Operations Manager
Operations Manager After a short hiatus we welcome Anthony back into the Price and Speed family. Anthony bolsters Price and Speed's already enviable reputation even further by adding 27 years’ experience in Biosecurity Operations and Management, those 27 years has seen him rise through the ranks developing and increasing his knowledge at every level.
A fantastic team leader with excellent attention to detail, he can answer just about any question you have about the processes and Depot operations.
To answer any query you may have or perhaps to just say 'welcome back' don't hesitate and pick up that phone...So who you gonna call today?
Traffic Flow
Please be advised as of the 1st of March 2021 there will be a change in the traffic management for all trucks entering and exiting Depot 3 (4 Bumborah Pt Road, Port Botany).All trucks entering Depot 3 will need to enter via gatehouse 2, no trucks are to enter via the first gatehouse and this driveway is strictly for cars entering the DP World Logistics car park. Trucks are to follow the traffic Map.